Lakitha Tolbert
1 min readMay 10, 2021


Yes, this is directly related to police overstepping their bounds, and the media contributes to this problem by having only one narrative they keep shoving in our faces, over and over.

That the police will only fuck with Black and Brown people.

No. They fuck with white people, too! And the media needs to tell these stories!

As I’ve said before, this shit started in Black and Brown communities, but because the police have never had their shit checked, or been held accountable, their bad behavior has bled over onto white people. They simply choose white people they think have no power.

How many white people have we encountered just on Medium, who had some kind of horror story, about being mistreated by the police? How many white people have been traumatized? Or had their belongings and money stolen by police by false accusations?

As long as the mainstream media keeps framing this as a Black/Brown problem, white people will continue to think they can just sit this issue out, rather than joining us in being outraged, and putting a check on police power!

