Yes I noticed that too, and every time I see it I'm reminded of something Danae Gurira said about diversity in movies. That if you have a cast of all one race and throw in one white person the audience will bring all their attention to that one white character , or an all female film with one guy to identify with, so the key is to just not have that one character in the film, so that ALL of the focus is on who it's supposed to be on.
I saw this happen in real time with the first Black Panther movie where white fans focused entirely on Bucky who didn't show up until the end of the movie.
And I guess the other white guy in the movie -Ross - was too old for them to care about.
This is also something white fangirls are good for if I remember the fandom from Black Lightning correctly. Even though that show had excellent female representation in not one, but two, Black female superheroes, and a major lesbian relationship, white women didn't watch the show because there were no hot young white dudes for them to attach themselves to or ship with another hot white dude. The only white man in the entire show was an older gentlemen, and I guess they didn't find him hot enough. ( I'm also not the only one who has lost all patience with white fangirl's fetishization of skinny gay white men, which has gotten waaaay out of pocket and bordering on creepy!)
*sigh* Guess I'm gonna be writing that essay next year.