Yes, and this is not to say that those on the Left dont troll. Ive seen them do it, its just thatthat isnt all we do. We talk about other stuff, we do other thingsthan simply bothering and annoying each other in that space. We have a variety of goals beyond simply sticking it to the Right.
A social media site that's all trolls doesnt have anyone to push against. Everyone is all in agreement about who to bother and why. One of the baisc tenets of being a bully is that you have to find a victim and let that victim know it.
On sites that lean Left I can craft my online experience to be as positive as possible. A troll or two may get through but I have the ability to block them entirely. I normally use Tumblr, and while I know theres a whole lot of bullshit on there, I lamost never see any of it because I block anybody who even attmepts to make my online space unpleasant. I dont even have that kind of control in my real life, but if I can do that online why wouldnt I?.