What's especially interesting to me is that while abuse can and has happened in all kinds of educational settings sexual abuse seems to thrive in physical education settings along with verbal and emotional abuse. It's almost like it's a vocation that encourages and attracts abusers.
In one sense I was incredibly lucky when it came to PE. I don't have the horrific sports memories a lot of people grew up with, and I wasn't especially sporty. I was encouraged to do sporty stuff but not abused. My teachers, what I can remember of them, seemed to just care about us being active and fulfilling requirements of the class.
And once again I wonder if there is racial component to this dynamic as well. I'm black and female and only went to black schools. I knew sporty kids,both guys and girls, who were held up as the pinnacle if studenthood, but I didn't know too many bullies ( or maybe they just left me alone?)
Okay now I got questions!