What is happening to men is one of the ugly side effects of building whole societies that are predicated on the exploitation of the other people’s labor, and many men fully signed on to it, thinking that it would be to their ultimate benefit.
What it actually did was truncate their lives, thinking, and imagination, to the point where many of them would rather just give up living then learn basic care for themselves. Too many of them didn’t take to account the importance of women in their lives (failing to appreciate it) until they can no longer have it. Well, now they know, and it needed to happen, because women needed to start healing themselves from their trauma responses to their exploitation.
Men have been taught their whole lives that anything that could help them, or set them free from the exploitation of richer and more powerful men, was unmanly and weak. That the most important thing in their entire existence was to be "manly" through allegiance to men more powerful than them, and the exploitation of others considered beneath them.
Men imprisoned themselves. This is the fallout from being unable to live the life they were told they must live to be considered men.
Eta: Not only are men not taught to properly take care of themselves, but they learn that it’s the height of masculinity to go through life in pain, either physical pain, or emotional pain. They won’t go to the doctor when they’re sick and end up dying from preventable causes. They won’t see a therapist when they’re depressed, and end up killing themselves. They end up living shorter lives than women because healthy self-care is considered un-manly.