The police regularly slalom their way around our neighborhoods hoping to find someone they can suspect of a crime, and thanks to decades of media brainwashing, the kind of people who join law enforcement already think that’s all we are engaging in when they see us. Over policing is just the first step of uneven enforcement of the law. That’s how the routine starts until as a Black man you finally land in jail.
There are numerous cases of white men being caught red handed in the midst of a crime who get no more than slap on the wrist, but let a Black man commit the slightest infraction (jaywalking for example) and he might actually end up on jail for that! There are also numerous cases of black men convicted of no crime who spent years in prison on little more than hearsay. At every step along the “prison pipeline” someone believed they deserved to be in prison, which is an attitude seemingly not present when excusing some of the heinous acts of white men. (The New Jim Crow)