This is the exact same messaging passed down from white patriarchy: Black women are unloved, unloveable, not worthy of love, and incapable of love. Its not new. Its very tired.
It really is a form of self- hatred, isn't it? These are not the kind of men who care deeply about anyone black, not even themselves, although they like to tell themselves otherwise. None of this would be a matter of discussion if they weren't keen to be so pettily, and stupidly, vindictive towards black women. If they would just keep our name out their mouth, this wouldn't even be an issue, but one thing I discovered about small minds, is that they love to stir up outrage and trouble, because they think that's "exciting"!
Right now, black women are out there fighting for the lives of their sons, brothers, and husbands, because they love them, while these other men don't even see that, and sit on their asses, not lifting a finger to march for their own lives, or save themselves from a system that would happily grind them up.
Also: I've never, for a single moment, credited any of the men you cited in this post, as being especially intelligent, or even socially aware. I mean, what could people possibly expect from men like 50 Cent or Lil' Wayne, who are, at best, emotionally stunted child-men, who aren't even aware that they have issues that need to be sorted out. Why anyone is looking to either of them for their opinions about anything, is a mystery.