This is now my response to any White person who disingenuously asks why there is no White History Month, (and who only ever seem to remember to ask that question during Black History Month. The rest of the time they don’t think or remember to ask at all, seemingly only asking the question just to irk Black people during the one month we get to celebrate our achievements.)
I say that Black History is white history, too. You are correct in saying that our oppression didn’t happen in a vacuum, but I don’t think you went far enough (plus I understand you had other points you wanted to make). One of the most irritating things is when white people talk about Black history as if white people had nothing to do with it, and using the passive voice, as if slavery, torture, and genocidal rape, just sort of happened to us without any contribution from them. It just sort of happened and nobody knows why….what a mysterious thing!
No, this is their history, and so I agree, there should be a White History month, that way we can go over every single thing that white people did, in exacting and excruciating detail. All the types of white people who ask that question should then be required to attend multiple classes on it. I betcha they will never ask that question again!