This is another reason why people keep saying that. after the last white Boomer dies racism will change form again. The racism our children and grandchildren will experience will be a different animal. What we’re seeing today is the last vestiges of Jim Crow era thinking from those who can directly remember a time when Black people weren’t considered human beings.
My generation, Generation X, was the first generation born after the fall of Jim Crow. We grew up during the Black is Beautiful/Black Power era. Many of us were born with and given an innate knowledge of our equality to white people and acted like it, which was also very freeing for us. We’ve lowkey accomplished a lot but we are still in the process of unpacking what our parents (Boomers themselves) went through.
When the white Boomers are gone, there will be no one alive who directly remembers that era and so our treatment by white people won’t be informed by their memories. I think it’s interesting to think of it this way.