I’ve stopped watching videos of white people acting a fool towards black people. I won’t even watch movies about black people in pain. I’m fifty years old, and I’m tired of watching it, and having feelings about individual incidents about which I can do absolutely squat. I have options now. I have other things to watch outside of black people suffering abuse.
I got it! I got the message loud and clear. Some people don’t like black people.
The videos don’t do anything but make me feel paranoid and awful, and bear no resemblance to my life experience. I don’t know if it’s because of where I live, or the people I know, but so far the white people in my orbit have been behaving like they have manners, and not acting like first-class shits, and I’m not gonna sit around, fretting about it, until it happens.
In the meantime, I’ve had my fill of witnessing black pain.