The Bullies Are Distressed

Lakitha Tolbert
9 min readAug 19, 2023

Yes, But Then, They Always Are…

“They” are gonna be mad, angry, enraged! Don’t Make them angry or they’re going to commit acts of violence!

Well, they’ve been doing that.

There is no amount of appeasement that will stop Trump’s most ardent followers from committing acts of violence because committing violence is the point. His followers are “bullies” who look for opportunities to harm others.

On August 5th, at a pier in Montgomery Alabama, there occurred what Black Americans are now calling The Montgomery Sweet Tea Party, (or The Alabama Brawl) when a group of white boaters refused to move from a docking space reserved for the Harriott II Riverboat. Those white men (and at least a couple of women) chose instead to attack the dockworker who was giving them the instruction to move and pummeled him for several minutes before they received their just desserts from a group of black dockworkers who ran to the aid of their coworker.

Those white boaters are emblematic of the philosophy of the bully. They find what they believe to be the weakest link and collectively attack it, expecting no retaliation for what they’ve done. I have no problem believing this is behavior that group of people has engaged in before, and having never received any pushback before, they never expected the other dockworkers to…

