That last joke tells me more than anything else what kind of person someone is. For decades straight white men got to define everybody who wasn’t them. They called people whatever they felt like naming them. Now that people are demanding (can demand) that these men call them what THEY want to be called, they’re gonna argue that’s going too far? They’re gonna argue that not only do marginalized people have to accept what they’re called, they gotta laugh about it, too? Really?
It’s not PC culture they don’t like. It’s all those people they used to be able to mock, and define, with impunity, talking back to them. Those people used to know their place, but now they don’t, and they’re now telling these men that they’re wrong, and need to respect their humanity.
They just refuse to accept that they can’t tell the same sorry, low hanging, jokes they told back in the 80s and 90s.