Shelly showed up in that first film for all of twenty seconds and we still got a better idea of who she was and how much Eric loved her in justthose few flashbacks. We also learn a lot about Eric's character over the course of the original film. His tragedy, his humor, his anger.
This film for all the time given to show their relationship, only felt tragic. As much screen time as Shelly gets in this new movie, I expected them to show more of her character. She gets more screen time in this one and we still know nothing about her, while all we get from Eric is anger and determination.
At the end of the original we had a pretty good idea of Eric's character. At the end of this new version, we still know only as much as we did at the beginning of the film.
I also do not understand why they remade the original story when there's a whole canon of different types pf Crow characters (from various books) they could have chosen from, from Indigenous crusaders, to schoolteachers (Clash by Night by Chet Williamson is awesome!!!)! There's even an anthology of stories to choose from. Why do all The Crow films focus on some young white guy avenging the death of his already fridged lady love?