On this I wholeheartedly agree.
I do not understand people who feel guilty for blocking assholes on their social media. I have blocked whole hordes of people on my Tumblr, on my blog, and on here too. (Actually, people that show out on my blog get sent to Spam, and I never know even that they've read anything of mine). As soon as I see that a person has nothing interesting to contribute to a conversation, I will block. Not only do I not want to see their comments anymore, I don't want them interacting with anything I post.
When I was a child, if I acted a fool in school, or in my Grandma’s house, I got a time out in the corner, where not only could I not interact with anyone or any situation in the room, but no one could interact with me. I treat my online spaces the way I treat my personal spaces. I’m happy to share space with someone as long as they behave correctly. In fact, it's very like the rules of my Grandma’s house. If they show their ass, they’re getting kicked out/blocked.
If a person wouldn't act like that in their Grandmother’s house, why would they think they could come into my house and act a fool?