No, I'm not voting for her because I like her. I vote for her as a means of harm reduction. If we thought white people were wilding out during trumps first term, we would have a Civil War in this country if he were elected again. We would be returned to the 1920s levels of violence against Black and Brown neighborhoods and people here in the US, and that's saying something, considering the violence against us has never stopped (it's merely lessened). We remember our history here, as much as you remember yours, and we're not going back to the burnings, and lynchings of the era these people wish to return to.
I'm voting to kept trump out of office because I read Project 2025, and I do not want to live in that version of the US, and I cannot afford to run away to another country if things got that bad. (Having said that, if we absolutely had to flee, many of us would do just that.)
Basically, as awful as people think things are in the US now, it would be infinitely worst under another trump presidency. And let's be clear, we have a saying, no matter how unfair this sounds: When the US sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Allowing trump to get back into office would be like giving the rest of the world cancer.
It is wrong and it's not fair, and I'm seriously pissed off about how Americans (specifically white Americans) through their stupidity and racism, let things even reach this point. But I actually live here and do not have the luxury of washing my hands of the situation. Under capitalism both parties aren't all that different, but I work with what I've got, when I cannot change the system itself. I can at least mitigate what kind of harms occur. Voting for her is the best I can do and still be able to live with myself.
You're entitled to your opinion (which isn't wrong or invalid, btw) but you don't live here. You live in another country, with a different history and political system, so you are not aware of how complicated things are here, just as I am unaware of the daily life of living in Costa Rica.
I'm going to tell you what I tell all disgruntled groups of people who don't think Black people don't speak up enough for them: Black people here cannot unite with other groups, or help them take care of their problems with white supremacy because we're too busy dealing with our own trauma from white supremacy, trauma that is inflicted on us daily, and too many people have been corrupted with anti-blackness here, including the Indigenous peoples. It's wrong and unfair but we cannot fight other groups battles and our own. We simply cannot be the mules of the US carrying everyone else's struggles. We're simply the loudest racial group, not the most privileged. Just because we get a little bit of media attention doesn't mean things are good for us here.
The election of Barack Obama did not eliminate white supremacy, and the election of a Black woman will not eliminate misogyny. We will simply suffer less of either of those under a Democrat of any kind, than we would under trump.