You're very right to seek out the voices of the marginalized, especailly when it comes to their definitions of themselves, rather than other group's interpretations of them.
Most of this I agree with, except for this one tiny little part. I do not actually have to seek out the regressive views of others. They don't come up with anything new to say, (they have not said anytihng new about PoC in four hundred years), and they are pretty mainstream, such that I cannot escape their views. When you're a member of any marginalized group, you do not need to work to find regressive views about your existence. Those kind of people do all the work for you, in seeking you out, and letting you know, in a thousand different, ways that your life and rights do not matter to them. They are in fact, very gleeful to let you know this about themselves, and seem quite proud of their trash ideas.
It is not remotely possible for someone like me to live in an echo chamber.
Members of marginalized groups rarely get the luxury of ignoring whats going on in this country, because the people doing all the dividing are very happy to interrupt whatever conversations you're having with each other, or activities you're engaged in that day, to let you know that "you don't mean sh*t to them.
Its very galling and irksome to be told that a belief in my rights as a human being, a belief in the rights of others, or simply not accepting abuse from people just because they want to run their mouth, is somehow me being a sheep. Its galling to hear people shaming other people for caring about human beings. This is the point we've reached now, an all out assault against people caring about the well being of other people.