Just saw this on another social media site. Glad you wrote about this.
I've said this before:
If your Black friend has never spoken to you about racial issues, about their lived experience as a Black person, or about the racial history of this country and its systems, with you, then the two of you are not friends. You might think you're friends, but really you're probably just an acquaintance that Black person might need to appease to keep their job! You're the kind of person in whose presence they simply nod and smile, but only to keep from being considered hostile, intimidating, or angry.
And for the white people who are deep in the sauce:
If you never talk to that Black person outside of work...If you don't know their last name...If you have never been invited to their home, or invited them to yours...If you don't have their phone number...Have never met a member of their family...or know any of their names...you ain't got not Black "friend"!