I'm the eldest daughter but the most helpful my mom would allow me to be was babysitting my siblings when she needed to go somewhere. She was adamant that I was a child, and should stay in my lane.
She once told me ( I think I was around ten or eleven) that she was the mother, she got this, and I should enjoy being a child and let her worry about adult things. She didn't baby me, (although my brothers claimed she spoiled me), but my two brothers were never allowed to expect maid services from me and they never did. They learned to take care of themselves and their living spaces, just like I did.
This is why I'm always shocked and outraged when women tell me they were taught to take care of, and dote on, their spoiled brothers. I think one time my mom tried to assign dish duties to me, or something kitchen related, and I vigorously protested, saying it was misogynist or something, and she actually relented. (That may be the reason I was considered spoiled, because she actually listened to me when I told her stuff.)