I wonder how much of this delusion that Dany is a good person has to do with her being a pretty,White girl. We’ve all seen that audiences are always quick to make excuses and give a pass to innocent looking white women. I saw that with the end of Get Out, where the actress had to explain to people, again and again, that there were no excuses for her character. That character was just evil, but people wanted/needed her to be a good person, who had been suborned, somehow.
I see the same thing happening with Dany. I’ve never liked her. I’ve never trusted her, and I’ve also never listened to anything she said, because I was too busy being appalled by her actions. She’s been murdering people with fire for several seasons, and for me she has been little better than Ramsey Bolton in her actions. She simply hid her degeneracy better by talking a good game to the right people ,like Jon and Tyrion, but every now and then, she would slip and say something true about herself, like her conversation with Jon about ruling in fear. Right after which she goes on to talk of tyrants again, and had me screaming at my TV, that she was, in fact, the tyrant!