I wholeheartedly agree with you and I refuse to address this person directly! This whole post was a vile excuse to protect those who need no protection!
This person has very obviously never visited any of the Reddit pages where these white straight men advocate for the rape of women and children, taking away women’s rights to hold jobs and vote, and fantasize about the full on destruction of western society, because they think all that will drive the conventionally pretty white women they lust after, (and make no mistake these men are overwhelmingly white and straight) into their beds.
There are involuntary celibate women and they could have access to those types of women (who might date them) but male incels treat female incels like absolute dogshit (along with most other women.) They will openly tell those women to kill themselves because they’re not tall buxom Nordic blondes or have “low sexual marketplace value”. These are same men who use a point system to rate a woman’s worth on the fuckability scale, and someone needs to quite making these bullshit excuses for their shitty behavior.
There is no excuse for how vile some of these men and their thoughts and ideas are. They get no sympathy from me.