I agree wholeheartedly, but not for the reasons that you state. Women like that are conveniently leaving out the racial angle of this equation, because White women love to believe themselves innocent of racial animosity, trying to blame all of it on men. White women were still present at every lynching, and in some instances were the direct cause of them, (Emmett Till). There are plenty of photographs of White women screaming and spitting at desgregationists during the 60s. And since that time there have been numerous cases of White women lying on PoC to get out of being punished for a crime they committed.
Women of color would still be around for women who wanted to be cruel, to bully, and intimidate. I have witnessed first hand the bullying and violence against transgender women of color, by cisgender women. The pecking order of social status would remain intact, the only difference is that White women would be at the top of that pyramid.
Getting rid of men, (if men should, for whatever reason, be raptured out of existence), still wouldn’t rid the world of the patriarchal attitudes, and mindset,that all women have been socialized with since birth. They would find reasons to harm each other. Women’s priorities would simply be different from men. Some of the violence would disappear, but not all of it, and the world would not become a paradise.
During Black enslavement, White women were every bit as cruel to female slaves as their husbands were, and in some cases even worse, as they could only work out their rage and power at the things their husbands did through the the abuse of the enslaved. (They certainly wouldn’t take it out on their husbands, who they depended on for their livelihoods.)