I actually consider Us to be the deeper film compared to Get Out. For me, someone who is long used to playing the media literacy game and for whom all of that is great fun), Get Out was the social commentary 101 class for white audiences.
He didnt make it for them but he definitely knew they'd be watching and therefore its mesage is fairly unmistakable. White auidneces can't look at that film and claim it means anything than what it does, and I think thats because he kind of went easy on them.
I ocnsider Us to be much more ambitious. It takes more of a leap to get it,it has a lot more themes in it, a lot more references, a ot more points to make, and its points are more diffuse. Its like moving from the 101 class to the 401 class in maths and for those who were expecting it to be as easy to understand as Get OUt, it was probably a disappointment becasue it wasnt as immediatly "gettable" as the first film.
But thats just my opinion...