Hannah Drake is one of my favorite writers! Have you visited her Wordpress blog? She is awesome!
I read that piece she wrote, and I have been paying attention to how I accommodate white people when I’m in spaces with them. I’m from the Midwest, so rudeness is not in the equation. I will always be courteous, and say please and thank you, because I was raised like a human being, but I have begun the process of not making myself smaller, and/or trying to take up less space, when I’m around white people, (but then I have a lot of practice doing that in the presence of men.)
It’s interesting that this appropriation only seems to be, very loudly, aimed at Black, and Indigenous people, where white people feel completely entitled to claim spaces, and culture, that was created because they excluded everyone not white from the mainstream. (I’m not Latina, so I don’t know how white people act towards their culture. It’s probably much the same, but I’ve only directly observed it happening to the first two groups.)