Flying Monkeys, Historical Accuracy, and Inclusivity

Lakitha Tolbert
14 min readMar 7, 2024

A Cautionary Rant

Something “triggered” me recently and I had to get it out of my system by writing about it. Someone I like and respect, (no names, because snitches get stitches), wrote something that made me deeply uncomfortable.

Now, in her defense, that is not what she was trying to do, but since the interaction between social issues and the media we consume is a subject close to my heart, (and lived experience), I’ve studied it extensively. What she failed to note was that she was entering into a discussion being framed by racist bigots to make their hateful arguments seem legitimate, and since it’s unlikely she knew what these bad faith actors have been doing, she was setting herself up to be: A Flying Monkey!

I’m not angry at the woman who wrote the thing that bothered me because I understood she wasn’t writing it to bother me, but the use of certain words she used and questions she asked, did. The question she asked has been asked many times, but only by so many bad faith actors, (who argue the opposite of what she actually…

