Exactly! On some level it’s about us because they don’t care if we suffer, but ultimately it’s about keeping a deeply ignorant and tractable white cannon fodder for their endless culture wars. The kind of white people who can be stampeded about like empty headed cattle from one pointless moral panic to the next. We can already see them doing this.
Moral panics used to take time to build to the point where there’d be about one every ten years or so from Communism, to Rock music, to Rap music, and the Satanic Panic. But now the panic is constant. It’s all day, every single day, and on every topic. You have an entire industry of talking heads that do nothing but produce outrage about imaginary subjects, to make it easier to fleece their mentally inert followers, or point them in the direction of whatever atrocity they want them to perform.
The past ten years we’ve been seeing the nigg**fication of white people that men like him need to have as an underclass that’s easier to control and black people have long refused to cooperate. Getting us to cooperate requires very high levels of violence which makes them look bad to the rest of the world and makes the US look like hypocrites. Keep your people ignorant and complacent enough though and you will never have to lift a finger hit them and they’ll commit the acts of violence for you!