Exactly! I have no love for the Democrats, but I definitely do not love the Republicans. I dont give a flying hot sht what the Republicans were like 100 years ago, or fifty.
I see the kind of people they are today and I cannot in good conscience ever vote for a single one of them. They are vile, hateful, and reprehensible on every level, or at least willing to stand by and say nothing, or champion hate crimes against the most vulnerable. They are willing to let all that slide, as long as they get a tax break.
I consider voting Democrat to be a form of harm reduction and I KNOW my history. If any other party had a chance of wining an election that was least harmful to the rest of us, I'd vote for that party, but this is what I got. I cannot allow Republicans to be in charge simply because I want to feel good about myself for not voting for a Democrat.
Believe me, I have a lot of criticism for Democrats. They can catch some of this smoke too. Too many Democrats are scared and spineless jellyfish, but I've observed that Republicans are even worse than that. They are the kind of people who are willing to kiss the a** of a vile man who has openly insulted their family members, and attack those with the least amount of social and political power all while paying lip service to caring about the safety of women and children.
Republicans have given me a thousand different reasons for hating them since the eighties, and I refuse to let anybody gaslight me into thinking they are not either the vile pos's that I've observed with my own eyeballs, or the kind of people willing to stand by and let such people speak on their behalf.