Everyone should observe that the women making these arguments are middle class, white, western countries women, because women of color, migrant women, women in poverty, abused women, disabled women...I guess those voices matter less than privileged white women who can get book deals to throw feminism under the bus, and it's also one of the clear reasons why I'm not ever going to marry myself to "feminism", or trust white women to stick the landing.
It all smacks of an "I got mine, fuck you! " vibe, which is more than a little infuriating. I'll stick with womanism, a form of feminism that is intersectional, and by, for, and about, Black women and other women of color. Its a philosophy that doesn't depend on any of us relying on white women to care, since they prefer to cozy up to their abusers without regard to how white men degrade, abuse, and kill them, or think, feel, or say about them.