As an Ace woman, I noticed this as soon as I hit puberty. Suddenly, (at least that's how it appeared to me) all my female friends cared about was attracting male attention, and for several years I wondered (and worried) about why I didnt care. I didn't want male attention and made no effort to try to get it. I didn't start dressing and acting different, or obsessing in every conversation about which boys liked me, or didn't. I found that kind of conversation boring and tedious.
I never told my friends this, (something told me to not say this out loud) but I had nothing but contempt for the boys around me, and kept wondering why I should've cared about the approval of people I didn't even like! Frankly, I wondered why the girls suddenly cared! Figured out later on that not only was I Ace but on the AuSpec as well.