She’s not exactly wrong! But that’s just me thinking like me!
I think she is right that we all should at least travel there once in our lives. She definitely could have found a better way to say it and clarified her stance a bit more, but the idea that Black Americans should travel to a place where we can feel some amount of safety from the levels of anti-blackness in the US isn’t wrong.
At least once in our lives we should spend time in a place with all black people, and feel what it’s Ike not to be walking on eggshells or the constant nervousness and fear about being attacked, disrespected, or killed on the basis of our color. We might experience these things anyway, but not because we’re black.
There is actually not just another “back to Africa” movement happening right now but a full Black Expdus for those who can afford to leave, feeling that it’s safer anywhere in the world except here in the US, and I don’t blame them.
I am glad the two of you were able to come to an accord though. Understanding is better than bad feeling, and avoiding her gave the two of you time to process your feelings about what happened. For her to realize what she did wrong, and you to move a little away from anger.